Welcome to the forefront of exploration! Eesha Patel’s “First Contact” Show is your portal to the captivating world of extraterrestrials, interdimensionality, and the uncharted depths of the universe. Eesha Patel, the world’s leading expert on first-contact strategy and galactic consciousness, is your guide on this cosmic journey.

Eesha Patel’s “First Contact” Show is where the cosmic conversation comes alive. Featuring the foremost UFO/UAP experts from around the world, this show is your key to understanding the mysteries that surround us. Join Eesha and her guests as they delve deep into the frontiers of consciousness and explore the possibilities beyond our world. On First Contact, you will discover:

Deep Insights: Gain a profound understanding of UFOs, UAPs, and the unexplained phenomena that have puzzled humanity for centuries.

Leading Experts: Hear from the brightest minds and most respected voices in the field of extraterrestrial research and interdimensional exploration. Experts including Dr. Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, Professor Avi Loeb, and 30 years ex MUFON Director James Cameron. 

Frontlines of Exploration: Be at the forefront of the discussion, where groundbreaking discoveries are made, and paradigms are shifted.

The mysteries of the universe are waiting to be unravelled, and Eesha Patel’s “First Contact” Show is your gateway to enlightenment. Join the cosmic conversation, expand your understanding of the cosmos, and be part of the journey to uncover the truth about first contact, extraterrestrials, and the infinite possibilities that await us. Tune in to watch the latest episodes, and be sure to engage with us by suggesting guests and topics for future discussions.
Episode 1: Extraterrestrial Life & ‘Oumuamua with Avi Loeb
In this first episode of First Contact we take a deep into the existence of extraterrestrial life. Spoiler: Avi Loeb is pretty convinced that we are not alone, and seems to have the proof to back it. Let’s find out what he knows, as we prepare ourselves for the eventuality that will be humanity’s first open contact with non-human intelligent life.
Episode 2: UFO Secrets from the Army with James Clarkson
In this episode we chat with James Clarkson. James was in the Army when he learned of a UFO reporting hotline. Later in life Clarkson, as ex MUFON director, interviewed over 2000 people about their UFO/UAP experiences. He joins us today in a tell-all interview where he shares his stories, his research, and some compelling evidence about recovered extraterrestrial craft.
Episode 3: Roswell, Project Bluebook & Cover Ups with Kevin Randle
In this episode we chat with Kevin Randle. Kevin has been researching UFOs for over 50 years. He has well and truly done his due diligence to sort the wheat from the chaff, removing the hoaxes from the authentic UFO cases that are worth exploring through his own independent investigation. In this episode Kevin touches upon some of the most famous credible cases with evidence, as well as pointing out important documentation of cover ups, plus how the U.S. government misled the Australian investigation into UFOs.
Episode 4: 80 Years of UFO History with Julien Lacave

UFO Researcher Julien Lacave joins us on First Contact to discuss whether or not we are being visited by extraterrestrial life. Julien offers a pragmatic view, using evidence-based research to draw conclusions, and takes us a journey through time as we look at the 1999 French Space Agency report, the World War II Foo Fighters, and the 2004 Nimitz case where a group of Navy ships recorded flying saucers, lights, and orbs that were tracked on radar equipment.

Episode 5: UFO Studies & Multidimensional Consciousness with Dr. Sean Esbjorn-Hargens
In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Sean Esbjorn-Hargens who teaches the world’s only Ph.D. in UFOs. In this episode, we explore the concept of multidimensionality, where the soul has multiple coexisting aspects across various dimensions and lifetimes. This is a fascinating discussion where the worlds of consciousness and UFOs collide, providing a wider lens into the true nature of our multidimensional beingness.
Episode 6: Personal Encounters and UFO Exploration with Jason Gleaves
In this episode, we are joined by Dr. Sean Esbjorn-Hargens who teaches the world’s only PhD in UFOs. In this episode, we explore the concept of multidimensionality, where the soul has multiple coexisting aspects across various dimensions and lifetimes. This is a fascinating discussion where the worlds of consciousness and UFOs collide, providing a wider lens into the true nature of our multidimensional beingness. Be sure to subscribe and like our channels.
Episode 7: A Bucks County Jazz Musician goes UFO Hunting with Eric MIntel
In this episode, jazz musician Eric Mintel takes us through his insights gained from his copious amounts of on the ground investigations. Eric believes the supernatural and the UFO phenomenon are closely related, and he’s convinced there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to certain people who seem to be much more prone to having these types of experiences. Let’s find out in this episode why some people are always seeing strange phenomenon, and others seem to keep missing it, and what’s really going on in the Bucks County region.
Episode 8: The Real Evidence Behind Roswell with Tom Carey
In this podcast episode, we meet with Thomas Carey. Tom has dedicated over 30 years to investigating the Roswell crash. Throughout his research, Tom has interviewed over 600 first and second-hand witnesses to the famous incident, where many experts, civilians, and researchers such as Tom strongly believe something out of the ordinary occurred, and something not of this earth crashed – and was retrieved – in July 1947. Be sure to also stick around for the end segment as we deep dive into the conversation around consciousness and how to connect with intergalactic beings.
Episode 9: Initiating Contact with Andrew Radziewicz
In this episode we meet with Andrew Radziewicz, also known as “The Psychic Firefighter”. The big question we address in this episode is “Can we initiate contact?”. If so, how? A lot of people have spontaneous or unexpected encounters with non-human intelligence, but what if this intelligence is responsive to us? And what’s the connection between seeing craft and orbs, and our loved ones on the other side? Let’s ask Andrew and find out.
Episode 10: Angels in the Firehouse with Andrew Radziewicz
In this episode, we bring Andrew Radziewicz back on the show to talk about his experience working as a firefighter when some strange UFO & paranormal activity saved their lives during a high-intensity first responder situation. The story shared here is based on Andrew’s book titled “Angels in the Firehouse”.
Episode 11: The Rendlesham Enigma with Jim Penniston
The Rendlesham case requires little introduction, being one of the most famous cases in UFO history. We are honored to have Jim Penniston join us in this episode to share his famous story of encountering a craft in the Rendlesham Forest in December 1980. What follows next is an unbelievable journey spanning decades, as a powerful message to humanity is revealed via the mysterious code. Then, going even deeper down this rabbit hole we get into government cover-ups and forced memory alteration. Sounds a little too wild? Tune in and you won’t believe your ears on this episode.
Episode 12: Remote Viewing & Missing Time Experiences with Bryan M. Bowden
In this episode, Bryan M. Bowden joins us for a candid yet revealing conversation about his personal experiences of missing time, abductions, remote viewing, and CE-5 contact. Can you imagine what it would be like to suddenly wake up several hours later and no recollection of what happened? Or trying to connect with a craft and then suddenly bilocating onto it through remote viewing? That’s exactly what happened with Bryan. This episode is jam-packed with several UFO encounters and experiences, filled with many nuggets of gold as Bryan shares his story with us.
Episode 13: Unexplainable UFO Encounters with Roger Stankovic
In this episode with Roger Stankovic we discuss all variety of anomalous and UFO related phenomena, including the role that dreams, hypnosis, and remote viewing can play in having these sorts of interdimensional encounters. In this episode we also touch upon a number of unexplainable cases that Stankovic has been investigating. You may be familiar with some of his research and investigative work in the recent series “Close Encounters Down Under”. One thing we can conclude from this episode is that some things just don’t have a ‘normal’ explanation, so of course you’ll hear all the juicy details right here on First Contact.
Episode 14: Earth Mission From Arcturians, with Rev. Honi Borden
In this exclusive tell-all interview with Rev. Honi Borden, she shares her powerful journey of being a contactee since childhood, and the near-death experience that become a massive turning point into fully stepping into her mission and purpose here on earth. In this interview we also hear the full aftermath of what happened, including the struggles and challenges that Rev. Honi faced, leaving behind all of her earthly attachments to embark on a journey of planetary healing and awakening. Contrary to popular belief, an awakening is not all love and light and this raw story tells all – the good, the bad, and the ugly, as true and honest as it gets.

Episode 15: Strange Artifacts at Roswell, with Frank Kimbler

In this episode we go straight to where it all happened with Frank Kimbler joining us from Roswell. Frank is an associate professor of Earth Science at the New Mexico Military Institute at Roswell and in this episode he shares with us his incredible on-the-ground findings in Roswell. 75 years later and unusual debris is still being found. For those more keen to explore the Roswell findings from a more scientific perspective, this episode is very factual and will leave you with some interesting things to think about.

Episode 16: Galactic Races, with Dr. Lisa Thompson

In this episode with Dr. Lisa Thomson we dive deep into the 13 Galactic Races that Lisa has personally connected with. She also shared with us her incredible story of attending an Enlightenment School as a child and being taught esoteric practices that even the CIA was spying on. This episode brings together powerful anecdotes alongside practical advice for those who wish to make their own connections. Lisa’s top advice is that anyone can do this, and she offers insightful wisdom for those who are willing to initiate CE5 contact with interdimensional consciousness.

Episode 17: A Family of ET Experiencers with Bill Konolesky

In this episode, Bill Konkolesky shares his personal experiences starting from childhood when he was in the crib, and remembers beings entering his room. Several of his siblings curiously also have experiences, which raises questions about why some people are more prone to these types of experiences than others. Does this kind of thing run in the family? Why do some people seem to be more of a target for visitations? And while we’re at it, why is the government suddenly rebranding UFOs to UAP? Let’s find out in this episode.

Episode 18: UFOs & Crop Circles with Mark Olly

A shift in consciousness is happening. It’s undeniable. As we awaken to the presence of interdimensional beings, how can we know if they are here to help us or not? And while we’re talking, has anyone ever seen a UFO making a crop circle? Let’s ask Mark and find out.




Episode 19: Journey of Galactic Awakening with Eesha Patel

Welcome to 2024! To all our listeners who supported us last year, we have a big treat for you! Today’s episode is from our host Eesha Patel who will be sharing with you her very own journey of galactic awakening. With nearly a decade of experience in Galactic Contact, you’ll be hearing a lot more expertise from Eesha this coming year, to help YOU make First Contact. Kick back and enjoy.

Episode 20: Extraterrestrials and Metaphysics with Neil Gaur

In this episode, science meets spirituality and religion with Neil Gaur drawing powerful parallels between Quantum Physics, Metaphysics, and the Esoteric realms. In his search for the root of all religion, Neil discovered there may be more to our scriptures and myths than meets the eyes, and ETs likely have a lot to do with this. Tune in for this powerful conversation.

Episode 21: Brazilian Ufology with Thiago Luiz Ticchetti


As it turns out, UFOs don’t just land in America! In this episode with Thiago Luiz Tichetti we take a good look at Brazilian Ufology. Then journey with us back to the US as we discuss the recent events in Miami 2024. Was it just reckless teens? Was it ETs? Or is there something else behind all this? Find out in this episode. Then be sure to stick around for the end for an interesting discussion about the government’s involvement in Steven Spielberg’s famous film E.T.

Episode 22: Taken on Board an ET Craft with Danielle Egnew


Have you ever been taken on board an ET craft? Danielle has – multiple times. In this episode, we chat with Psychic medium and Ufologist Danielle Egnew in an out-of-this-world conversation about her many experiences meeting ET beings and being taken onboard interdimensional craft. We suggest you keep an open mind for this one.


Episode 23: Building an ET Embassy with Sylvain Rochon

In this episode we merge vision with reality. Sylvain Rochon is the co-founder and Vice President of the Alliance for Extraterrestrial Diplomatic Contact. Their mission? To build an ET Embassy on Earth to welcome our galactic friends to visit us. If you’re an action taker, and ready to get involved in the next stage of disclosure this episode is a must-listen, as you will learn about the latest plans for ET contact from a diplomatic perspective.


Episode 24: Making Contact with Alan Steinfeld

In this episode with Alan Steinfeld we dive straight into what does it make to Make Contact? In this episode we explore the keys to spiritual evolution and extraterrestrial encounters, how to shift realities and the truth about connecting with advanced civilisations and beings in our multiverse.

Episode 25: Investigation Into the Paranormal with Neil Nixon

In this episode we take a healthy lens of skepticism. What if there is a perfectly normal explanation to the odd sightings and experiences? Are they all explainable, or are there still some anomalous instances that simply have no prosaic explanation? Let’s find out as Neil Nixon shares his perspective.



Episode 26: Journey to Telos with Lowell Johnson

In this episode, we hear an unbelievable yet true story of a man who is invited to visit Telos and meet with Adama. This is an incredibly mind-blowing encounter with commendable accuracy about the Inner Earth realms.




Episode 27: Our Galactic History with Debbie Solaris

Is our history really what we were taught in school? Or is it time to throw out the history books? In this episode, I asked Galactic Historian Debbie Solaris about our true galactic history. In this eye-opening interview, you’ll find out all about our true galactic origins. It’s time to open our minds and discover who we truly are.



Episode 28: ET Origins with Steven & Evan Strong

What if ETs really did walk this earth? And what if we had the artefacts to prove it? Steven & Evan Strong have traversed the globe in search of strange artefacts that can help us uncover the truth of our origins. In this interview, Steven and Evan offer us an opportunity to open our minds and consider the possibility that there may just be more to our history than meets the eye.



Episode 29: Disclosure Update with Nick Pope

This is a fabulous BONUS EPISODE that I recorded with Nick Pope at Contact in the Desert, June 2024. He offers a candid and current view of disclosure where it’s currently at.




Episode 30: Hollywood & Disclosure with Stephen Bassett

Disclosure can mean a lot of different things, and there are many parties involved. I asked Stephen to share with us what’s really happening with disclosure on the government side of things. But it’s not the only side we should be thinking about. Stephen is the co-founder, alongside Dan Harry, for the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance. As it turns out, Hollywood is quite interested in supporting this movement. In this episode, you will find a refreshing take on disclosure that is both uplifting and hopeful for our future.


Episode 31: Ancient Egyptian Stargates with Mike Rickseckere

What did the Ancient Egyptian civilisation really know about the Galactics? It makes sense that a great starting point would be to look at the Ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphs, so I asked my buddy and expert Mike Ricksecker to tell us what he knows about this. In this episode, Mike takes us on a fascinating journey of ancient Egyptian knowledge as he tells us all about the Stargates of Ancient Egypt.



Episode 32: Awakening Consciousness with Jason Donaldson

In this episode Jason shares his inspirational views of consciousness, his connection with Sirian beings, and how we can claim our sovereignty in a balanced way to co-create our reality. This interview is a beautiful reminder to come home to our hearts and be in the love that you are.




Episode 33: The Magic of Glastonbury with Neil Gaur

Are some places on earth more spiritual than others? Glastonbury has long been known as a place of ET craft sightings and spiritual awakening. In this episode with Neil Gaur we explore the history and magic of sacred sites such Glastonbury and Stonehenge. Neil is hosting a retreat in Glastonbury. For those interested in experiencing the magic of this sacred site, you can learn more here:



Episode 34: How to use sound to connect with higher dimensions with Shelly Reef

Delve into the fascinating world of interdimensional communication and healing through sound frequencies.

Host Eesha Patel and guest, Shelly Reef, share their profound experiences and insights into the realms beyond our physical understanding, focusing on the use of sound to connect with higher dimensions and beings.

The conversation touches on personal contact experiences, the significance of lightbody activation, and the power of collective consciousness in making contact with extraterrestrial entities.

Episode 35: Galactic Warfare, Stargates, and Interdimensional Beings Explored with A’sha Love

Eesha Patel is joined by metaphysician and founder of Multidimensional You, A’sha Love. Known as the “Mama of Multidimensionality,” A’sha shares her incredible journey through awakening, healing, and embracing her galactic heritage.

Their conversation spans multiple dimensions, exploring the importance of grid work, stargates, and multidimensional consciousness in our current ascension process.

Together, they discussed how ascension is not limited to humanity but extends to all galactic races.

Episode 36:Exploring the Soul Genome and Galactic Origins with Adam Apollo

Eesha Patel speaks with visionary leader and galactic ambassador Adam Apollo, CEO of Superluminal Systems and founder of Unify Network.

Adam’s work bridges the worlds of advanced technology, galactic cultures, and personal ascension. This episode gets into his personal experiences, from his contact with extraterrestrial beings to his profound connection with dragon energies, galactic lineages, and the Stargates of our planet.

Episode 37: How Extraterrestrial Beings Are Leading Humanity’s Spiritual Revolution with Marilyn

Host Eesha Patel is joined by Marilyn Gewacke, an experienced channel and healer. Marilyn shares her journey, detailing her profound connection with extraterrestrial beings, particularly Zazar, an Arcturian-Elfin hybrid, and the messages he’s imparted.

The conversation explores personal awakening, the cosmic mission of Earth, the role of children in the new consciousness, and the shifts humanity must navigate as Earth ascends to a higher dimension.

Episode 38: Exploring the Impossible Spoon Bending, ETs, and Consciousness with Zenka Caro

Eesha Patel speaks with Zenka Caro, the founder of Light Net and Starseed Academy. Zenka’s work bridges the fields of consciousness, miracles, and human potential. She shares her journey from working in technology to discovering the vast power of belief and joy in creating miraculous experiences, from spoon bending to healing and even contact with extraterrestrial beings.

Join Zenka and Eesha Patel as they discuss the mysteries of consciousness, quantum leaps, and how to live a life free of limitations by exploring the infinite possibilities that belief and consciousness offer.

Episode 39: Why Transparency on UAPs Matters from Military, Science, and Spiritual Perspectives with Franc Milburn

Franc Milburn, a veteran intelligence officer and author known for his work on the Pentagon’s UAP Task Force. Together, they dive deep into the world of unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP), crash retrieval programs, and how governments worldwide have been handling these mysterious encounters.

Franc shares fascinating stories, from credible sources, regarding crash retrievals and the hidden technologies surrounding them.

Episode 40: The Hidden Truth Behind Alien Contact and Humanity’s Awakening with Reuben Langdon

In this fascinating episode of First Contact, host Eesha Patel engages with Reuben Langdon, a stuntman, filmmaker, and advocate for extraterrestrial awareness. Reuben shares captivating insights from his journey as a performer in Hollywood to his personal experiences with UFOs and interdimensional beings. Known for his work in Avatar and Devil May Cry, Reuben delves into how his professional career intersected with his deep interest in the paranormal and spiritual dimensions.

Episode 41: What the Arcturians Want Us To Know

In this profound episode of First Contact, host Eesha Patel welcomes Vivianne Chauvet, an Arcturian ambassador in human form. Known for her unique connection to the Arcturian realm, Vivianne shares her extraordinary journey of coming to Earth through non-traditional incarnation methods and her role in facilitating humanity’s evolution. Together, they explore the complexities of interdimensional contact, the evolution of consciousness, and the future of human-extraterrestrial communication.


Episode 42: How I Boarded A Starship with Lori Spagna

In this fascinating episode of First Contact, host Eesha Patel speaks with Lori Spagna, who shares her extraordinary journey from corporate America to a life-changing extraterrestrial encounter. After experiencing burnout in her corporate career, Lori’s path led her to Maui where she studied with a master of energy practices. Through his unique teachings, including a consciousness-altering technique called “the little death,” Lori underwent profound transformations that culminated in a physical encounter aboard a starship.


Episode 43: Understanding 82+ Extraterrestrial Species with Craig Campobasso


In this fascinating episode of First Contact, host Eesha Patel speaks with Craig Campobasso, a writer, filmmaker, and author of “The Extraterrestrial Species Almanac.” Craig shares his extensive research on over 120 different extraterrestrial races, with particular focus on the 82 species detailed in his book. From his spiritual awakening at age 26 to his years of studying contactee cases, Craig offers unique insights into the various beings visiting Earth and their interactions with humanity.

Episode 44: Awakening Star Children: Understanding Multi-Dimensional Contact with Mary Rodwell

In this enlightening episode of First Contact, host Eesha Patel speaks with Mary Rodwell, a pioneering researcher, hypnotherapist, and expert in extraterrestrial contact and star children. With over 3,500 cases worldwide, Mary shares profound insights from her decades of work with experiencers and contactees. Drawing from her background in nursing and counseling, she explains how her journey led her to explore the deeper realms of human consciousness and our connection to non-human intelligences.

Episode 45: From Fear to Here: Teaching Galactic Connection | A Personal Story with Zoë Saville Wood

In this enlightening episode of First Contact, host Eesha Patel speaks with Zoë Saville Wood, a skilled mentor who helps others develop clear and safe galactic connection. Drawing from her own journey of awakening and years of experience teaching others, Zoë shares practical methods for discernment, explains different types of contact, and offers insights into navigating multidimensional experiences. From dramatic encounters with Archangel Michael to experiences aboard various types of starships, she reveals how anyone can learn to connect safely with galactic beings.

Episode 46: What Extraterrestrials Know About God with Yossi Ronen

In this profound episode of First Contact, host Eesha Patel speaks with author and artist Yossi Ronan about his transformative 1981 contact experience with extraterrestrial beings. Yossi shares his journey from initial fear to deep understanding, exploring how these beings helped him comprehend the nature of consciousness, universal love, and the concept of oneness. His story offers unique insights into how extraterrestrial contact can expand our understanding of human potential and spiritual evolution.


Episode 47: 7-foot Tall Light Beings Materialised from Blue Orbs | Interview with Peter Maxwell Slattery

In this captivating episode of First Contact, host Eesha Patel speaks with Peter Maxwell Slattery Slattery, a lifelong experiences and contact facilitator who shares his extraordinary journey from childhood encounters to establishing a sanctuary for CE5 contact experiences. Pete details his extensive history with extraterrestrial and interdimensional beings, including his interactions with white light beings, blue orbs that transform into 7-foot tall light beings, and his profound encounter with a golden tablet that transmitted rainbow energy directly into his consciousness. His personal evolution through various spiritual disciplines has led him to help others develop their own contact abilities.

Episode 46: What Extraterrestrials Know About God with Yossi Ronen

In this profound episode of First Contact, host Eesha Patel speaks with author and artist Yossi Ronan about his transformative 1981 contact experience with extraterrestrial beings. Yossi shares his journey from initial fear to deep understanding, exploring how these beings helped him comprehend the nature of consciousness, universal love, and the concept of oneness. His story offers unique insights into how extraterrestrial contact can expand our understanding of human potential and spiritual evolution.


Join the cosmic conversation, expand your understanding of the cosmos, and be part of the journey to uncover the truth about first contact, extraterrestrials, and the infinite possibilities that await us.

WORK WITH eesha patel

Join Eesha Patel on exclusive global experiences set on energetically charged days and sacred locations like Stonehenge, Fruske Gora, Mount Olympus, and Sedona. Immerse yourself in the exploration of galactic consciousness, multidimensional travel, and the limitless possibilities of our universe. ciousness. the untapped potential within yourself and the universe.
First Contact
Eesha’s popular YouTube show and podcast, “First Contact,” lead the frontlines of discussions about extraterrestrials and interdimensionality. With over 30 interviews featuring the world’s leading UFO/UAP experts, this is your portal to understanding the mysteries of our cosmos.
Speaking & Appearances
A highly sought after speaker and media commentator, Eesha is mesmerizing in her wisdom, potency of message and extreme passion for future innovation, creativity and life. When Eesha steps on stage, she not only shares a captivating message about first contact, our galactic family, and multidimensional travel, she brings the audience on a journey with her through entertainment, integration, physical connection, creativity, and activation. And, the audience leaves changed in every way.
Rob and I have been at many amazing gatherings, small and large, with Eesha over the years. We have witnessed authentic and genuine connections with Star Beings, and know that Eesha is instantly guided and in communication with them. This is very real and opens up an incredible new way of viewing life. Explore the Infinite possibilities.
— Shelley and Rob, as seen in Close Encounters Down Under
The sky is her limit!
During Eesha’s interview with me, she exhibited brilliant insights and a forward-looking perspective. It was a distinct pleasure to engage with her. The sky is her limit!
— Avi Loeb, Harvard astrophysicist and best-selling author of “Extraterrestrial” and “Interstellar”
a Rare Encounter Dancing with Truth and Perspective
It’s not common that I encounter someone where there’s such a kind of, what I would call an integral orientation to kind of the truth and falsity of all the perspectives, and how we have to dance with them.
— Dr. Sean Esbjörn-Hargens, Dean of Integral Education at the California Institute for Human Science and Program Director of the MA/PHD program in Integral Noetic Sciences
Eesha is a pathfinder
Eesha is a pathfinder who can have people find the key to their awareness of their journey they can strive to see.
— Sgt. Jim Penniston, Author of The Rendlesham Enigma
a top notch professional in the field of UFO/UAP
Eesha is a top notch professional in the field of UFO/UAP. Eesha has a tremendous amount of courage and professionalism in how she has shared her own experiences with the world. I was completely blown away with how much people worldwide have had their lives improved by consulting with Eesha and following her daily knowledge that she drops on social media. If you are interested in improving your spiritual life, I would recommend following her and reaching out to connect with Eesha!
— Andrew Radziewicz – The Psychic Firefighter, Author of Angels in The Firehouse