Galactic Gateways

The history of Galactic Gateways spans as far back as when the universe was born. To fully understand how to work with a Galactic Gateway, it’s important to know where they come from. Each gateway is so much more than the numerical alignments. It’s less about the numbers and more about what these numbers represent.

Numbers are a human construct. They are a representation, or a way to conceptualise a deeper meaning. They point to a bigger picture. To understand the origin of a galactic gateway, let’s go back to before numbers existed.

Life on Earth existed long before numbers were a known concept. Before life on Earth, there were other civilisations on other planets and in other dimensions. Before any form of life existed, there were forms of matter. This matter is designed in geometrical patterns. Geometry and patterns are seen across our universe from galaxies to the atomic structure of each cell in our body. When we talk about numbers, what we are really talking about is the pattern that each number represents.

Let’s take it even further back though. Before geometry is light. Before light is vibration (the original sound).

Before ALL of that is Love.

There’s one thing that existed even before that. Before love can even be conceptualised or comprehended, we have Creation. This is the origin point of all consciousness. This is the beingness simply being, eternally.

The matter we see manifest today is love brought into form. Therefore, each number has a lineage of vibration that connects with that specific resonance.

Each number is also connected to a dimensional frequency.

When we talk about Galactic Gateways (such as the Lion’s Gate or the 11/11 Gateway), the frequency that we are tuning into comes all the way from before the origin of time and space, through the constructs of light and geometry, and into something that we can comprehend through our physical form.

The Most Influential Galactic Gateways

In some ways, you could say that every day is a galactic gateway. Each breath that we take is connected to an eternal moment of creation. Before we get too existential though, let’s consider the galactic gateways that currently hold a deep significance in the collective consciousness.
Image Credits: Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash

8/8 Lion’s Gate

This galactic gateway peaks every year on the 8th of August. The Lion’s gate is a Lyran/Sirian gateway with strong connections to the pyramids in Egypt. During the Lion’s Gate, we see an alignment between Orion and Sirius, with the sun in Leo. Every year during the Lion’s Gate I see the feline beings from Lyra, and I feel the strong watery connections flowing from Sirius towards earth. The Lion’s Gate often has themes connected with Compassion, Miracles and Green Tara (female Buddha). It’s a great time to turn inwards and focus on the influx of energies flowing towards Earth.

11/11 Gateway

The 11/11 Gateway is deeply interwoven with the 11:11 awakening code. During my earlier stages of my spiritual awakening, I used to see 111 and 1111 everywhere. One day I asked the universe to show me very clearly if this symbol was actually ‘a thing’. Shortly after, I found myself surrounded by not one, not two, but FIVE cars with 111 on them around me. I didn’t need any more signs after that. This gateway has gained popularity in recent years as more people have begun to be in flow with the 11/11 awakening codes.

Trinity Gateway (333, 999, 27/9)

This is a lesser known gateway (for the moment).

It is often thought that our universe is all about duality. A lot of spiritual teachers promote this idea of moving from duality into oneness, and this idea has become embedded within our culture. The true nature of our universe is trinary.

When we delve into the spiritual realms, this becomes very clear. I discovered it early on in my journey when I first entered my Inner Heart temple.

Here I saw for the first time a flame with 3 colours: red, blue and gold. I later discovered that some people call this the threefold flame, but I often call it the trinity flame.

Later on, I connected with Messier 27, the dumbbell nebula. It was through these transmissions that I started to understand the trinary nature of our universe.

Messier 27 is situated inside the Summer Triangle (Altair, Deneb and Vega). If you go from Altair to Deneb about a third of the way, there you will find Messier 27. Can you see the 3’s playing out already? The Trinity Gateway will come to the forefront in 2025. It will create a powerful shift in consciousness. We have seen duality playing out for eons, and it is a limiting belief to think there are only two options. The Trinity offers us a third choice. A middle ground or a pathway to transcendence. Where duality can often be like a tug of war, trinity offers smoother sailing. We see this playing out in our astrological systems as well.

Currently we have adopted a 12-point astrological system, omitting the 13th sign Ophiuchus. While 12 offers balance, it also offers duality. 13 offers a smoother trajectory. Not so coincidentally, Ophiuchus represents unity. But I digress, that’s a story for another day.

In trinity, the third point offers perspective and alternate pathways, offering freedom, new possibilities and creation. Where 1+1 is usually 2, in trinity where the third arm represents creation, 1+1=3.

7/7 Gateway

The 7/7 gateway is also a lesser known gateway that has gained some popularity in recent years.

Astrologically, it is also a Sirian gateway, however I’ll speak to this one from more of a personal level as it has held personal significance for me for many years. I have been seeing 77 and 777 on a frequency basis ever since the year 2015. I now recognise that for me it represents connection with my inner Twin Flame, and also with Ashtar and the Galactic Federation. The number 7, as visualised in a 7-point star geometry, is often shown as a connection point with Ashtar.

The nature of the 7/7 gateway has varied for me quite dramatically over the years. In 2017 I was guided to visit Sedona on the 7/7 gateway and we completed a powerful planetary mission.

After connecting with Star Family and completing the energetic shift, we had a sudden downpour of rain and a clearly visible vortex above Bell Rock. This was particularly significant as it was the hottest week of the year.

There are many more galactic gateways not listed here, and there was a period of time in my life where I have facilitated each and every monthly gateway (1/1, 2/2, 3/3 and so on). These days, my focus shifts year to year, depending on which gateways require the most attention.

One reason why some gateways have more influence than others is largely to do with the popularisation of certain gateways. Where attention goes, energy flows. As certain gateways have piqued humanities interest, the sheer act of focusing in with these gateways has encouraged a collective momentum and shift in frequency that aligns with these specific dates. Remember though, it’s not just about the dates and the numbers.

There is a bigger picture to all this, and from a macro perspective it’s clear to me why certain gateways have come to the forefront at certain times. Our collective consciousness is co-creative and we have a constant feedback loop between the influxes of frequencies that come to earth which in turn influences our vibration, which in turn creates a deeper focus on those energies. That’s why it’s so important to be mindful of how we interact with these galactic gateways and what we choose to focus on during them.

Some years, certain frequencies are amplified. For example, in the year 2024 we experienced a 888 gateway. In 2025 the 999 Trinity Gateway will come to the forefront on 27/9/2025.

How to Work with Galactic Gateways

Galactic gateways, like 8/8 Lion’s Gate, the 11:11 gateway or the 999 Higher Trinity gateway offer a powerful energetic portal for transformation and lifting of the collective frequencies. Any time you are facilitating a Galactic Gateway event, it’s important to know which frequency flows are at the forefront so that you can bring through the right alignments.

These flows do vary greatly from one gateway to another.

For example, when it comes to the Lion’s Gate, it’s typically the Lyran and Sirian beings at the forefront of this wave of frequency.

For a Trinity Activation, you’re looking at working with the Threefold Flame as your base frequency.

The 11/11 Gateway is what I like to call an “entrypoint” gateway, as many people who are just starting out on their journey of awakening tend to see 111 or 1111 frequently.

There are many other gateways as well. 7/7 is a powerful one I have worked with for many years. The 555 gateway back in 2021 was particularly potent as well.

Not only is each gateway completely unique, but energies can even vary between the same gateways across different years.

Let’s take the Lion’s Gate as an example. I have been facilitating Lion’s Gate events for nearly a decade, and while some of the overarching themes have stayed consistent, many aspects have also varied greatly depending on what’s happening with the collective frequencies at the time.

For the Lion’s Gate, the overarching themes are Lions, 88 infinity/abundance, Lyra/Lyrans, Sirius/Sirians, Orion and Egyptian connections. These overarching frequency flows will generally be present every year during the Lion’s Gate. However, the sub-flows will shift year to year.

This year (2024) has been all about the Rose and Emerald frequencies working together, alongside the frequency of compassion. Think: Green Tara, female Buddha.

In 2020-2022 we were much more focused on the theme of “Divine Miracle” and the frequency was coming through in more of a golden spectrum.

Next year will be different again. To find out what the unique frequencies are for that year, you can tune into the planetary grids, they will show you what the upcoming frequencies are.

For the Lion’s Gate, this usually becomes clearly visible around mid-July. For most gateways, you can get a pretty good gauge of what to expect in the 3-4 weeks leading up to it.

Image Credits: Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels

The 4 Key Flows of Galactic Gateways

When you are working with Galactic Gateways, you need to know about the 4 Key Energy Flows for Galactic Gateways. This applies whether you are doing your own personal practice at home or facilitating an event for others.

1. Divine Source Flow

This is always the highest layer of gateway frequencies. Each gateway has divine source love flowing through. As facilitators, it’s always a good idea to consciously bring this through. Even though we know it’s already there where attention goes, energy flows and naming it and consciously bringing this through your activation will amplify this for your clients across their mental, physical, energetic and spirit bodies.

2. Cosmic Flow

During each Galactic Gateway, we receive large influxes of light and transmission coming through from the associated galactic beings that oversee each particular flow. Every gateway has a cosmic association. With the example of Lion’s Gate, this is a Lyran/Sirian gateway and it’s important that all Lion’s Gate facilitators bring through this connection in your events.

3. Earth Flow

Each galactic gateway has an Earth connection. The Earth connection can vary from gateway to gateway and is very much dependent on where the Earth/planetary missions are focused at that time. This can also vary from one facilitator to the next as different people will be guided to different focuses based on their individual soul alignments. There is a much bigger divine picture in this.

Getting clear on your Earth flow ahead of time will also help to magnetise the right people to your event. For example, if your Lion’s Gate focus this year is Egypt (which is a common one each year), and if you are clear on that, you can then set the energy of your event accordingly. By doing so, you are opening a clear energetic pathway to call in others who are in resonance with what you are facilitating. By the way, for the entrepreneurs in the house, this is a great pro tip for selling out your events and it’s how I sold out every single one of my monthly gateway events that I ran for two years straight. That’s 24+ events in a row, each one completely sold out using this method!

4. Personal Flow

Your personal flow is, as the name suggests, more related to you and your personal life. For example, personal themes could be related to clearing, healing, abundance, manifestation, stepping into your power, etc. Having a clear personal focus during Galactic Gateway events helps to anchor in the frequencies and bring some grounding into this work. There’s definitely a time and place for it, however, I see a lot of activations focusing only on this, without any of the other flows included. Without having this holistic approach across all the flows coming through, the gateway frequencies can get diluted.

What NOT to do during a Galactic Gateway

When you are hosting a Galactic Gateway event, it’s important to include all 4 Key Flows to ensure that the purity of the gateway frequencies is maintained.

If you skip the higher frequency flows and only work at the personal level (abundance, manifestation etc.), then you risk diluting the energies. If you only work at the cosmic level and don’t ground it in, you’ll find that your efforts will not land into tangible outcomes. That’s why it’s important to include all of the above when working with galactic gateways.

The final piece of this is to understand your role as the bridge between worlds.

Image Credits: Photo by Mikhail Nilov on Pexels

Being Anchors of Light for Gaia

As human beings living on planet Earth, we have the choice to be living anchors of light who can bring through these higher dimensional frequencies; kind of like an antenna where we can tune in to these frequencies and anchor them through to the heart of Gaia.

Every time a galactic gateway comes around, we have the opportunity to participate in the uplifting of the frequency of earth and the collective consciousness. By carefully considering the 4 Key Frequency Flows of Galactic Gateways, you can ensure that the spiritual work you carry out during these potent portals of spiritual evolution will be carried out with the highest vibration and intention, without losing sight of the true galactic connections.

This is how you maintain the true and pure frequency of these Galactic Gateways.

Are you a facilitator wanting to deepen your understanding so you can uplevel your facilitation?

This Facilitator’s Package includes two powerful replays from the Lion’s Gate and the 11:11 Gateway. Over these two events you will learn in detail about 4 Key Energy Flows and put theory into practice as you journey through each of these two portals using this framework. This package offers an excellent guide for facilitators who want to be working in deeper service with Gaia and the Galactic Consciousness.

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